Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Summer Project 2009 - Porch Swing

Well I started this porch swing in later summer 2009. It was based on my grand dad's model for witch he gave to my parents as a gift 25 years ago. His though rotted away with time. I tried to fix it but its but it was damaged to much from the rot. So I decided to build a new one in his honor.

It's build with 2x4 and 1x2 strapping.

I only added 1 picture of the original support to show a comparison

I did not have the time as of yet to completely finish it. Well the seat part is done but not the stand that it goes on and hung with 4 chains. The seat is all stained and wrapped and stored for protection until I finish the stand for it.

Hopefully in the summer of 2011 I would be done.

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